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The value of Life - Essay Example

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Name: Instructor's name: Course: Date: Value of life The value of life is a concept with diverse reasoning and argument. The traditional belief in the value of the life has been a life for life in case of killing. The challenge of the concept is on how to measure and determine the valuation procedure…
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The value of Life
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There is a challenge in addressing issues such as killing for the societal good. The case of the drug peddler avoiding police arrest and continues creating havoc creates a serious challenge especially when eliminated in non-legal manner. The difference between the non-legal manner and the legal approach is handling the matter creates a minimal difference in the society. In the case of the drug peddler, the taking of the law into their hands by the headmaster presents a challenge for the case when ethics and law is compared.

Personal ethics is governed by a personal code of conduct which stipulates how a person will relate to each other. Personal code of ethics contains ten main aspects that must always be looked into so as to have a perfect relationship with the society. Honesty is a value with utmost importance because it will encourage the development trust of the society on the individual. It will also help in the creation of identifiable character of a person. The creation of integrity will be associated with the image created on issues such addressed by the person.

Responsibility is a virtue that must be present in every individual, because it creates harmony on the activities undertaken by individual by associating him with the activities and activities undertaken. . As seen in the action of the police, the society developed distrust in the police. Trust is a value that is built over time but indispensable in the harmony of the society because it gives freedom to the individuals within the organization. It is vital that one does not change who he is, because others want him to, but create a personal image that will be appreciated by others.

However, it times of crisis such a drug problem in the society, individuals in the society can view the solution taken by the Head teacher is the best. The support given to the Head teacher and the admission to the teacher on the matter makes the situation complex. In fact, even after accepting the responsibility, the lawyer has adamantly stated that the clients not guilty of the murder. Legal environment offers a challenge to the ethical belief of the society. The society teaches of honest and truthful as the virtues essential in maintaining harmony.

However, telling the truth in such a case will lead to serious imprisonment for the Head teacher. Telling the truth is a value in the personal ethics that help in understanding of the prevailing conditions of every situation due to the truth shared in the context. The action of the Head teacher is justified through the action of the society. The society appreciates the involvement of the teacher in solving the perennial problem of drugs within the society. Initially, the society had experienced peace and tranquility until the arrival of the bad apples in the society.

The appreciation of the harmony and tranquility witnessed in the past indicated the level of personal ethics and social responsibility of the society. Appreciation is a value in personal ethics paramount, in relationship building, because it will influence

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